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Fairfield Central Shopping Centre, T29, 2-30 Lakeside Drive, Idalia, 4811.
Shop-3, 15-23 Kokoda Street, Idalia, 4811.


Choosing the Right Toothpaste

January 22nd, 2017|
Dr Himakshu Vyas

How many times have you found yourself in the oral hygiene section of your local supermarket and felt totally overwhelmed by the smorgasbord of toothpaste options on offer? Box after box boasts different ingredients, different benefits, and of course, different prices. Narrowing it down to just one tube can be difficult if you don’t know what you’re looking for.

To give you a helping hand, we’ve prepared a checklist so you can ensure you’re popping the right box into your trolley.

Heavy tea or coffee drinker? Invest in a whitening toothpaste for stain removal

It can be tempting to categorise whitening toothpaste as ‘marketing bait 101’, but these products actually do benefit those who love their caffeinated beverages. While you shouldn’t expect your teeth to visibly transform colour (especially if you’re working with older discolourations), whitening toothpastes do contain active ingredients such as hydrogen peroxide to help polish your teeth and more importantly, combat surface stains. Just make sure your choice of whitening toothpaste provides enamel protection, as weak enamel is the number one cause of stains and discolouration.

Toothpaste for sensitive teeth and gums will actually ease pain and discomfort

Speaking of weak enamel, when this protective shield starts to wear down, you are essentially giving your nerve endings more exposure. This in turn will make hot or cold food and beverages painful to eat and drink. If this sounds like you, it’s a good idea to invest in a toothpaste made specifically to tackle this issue. Most brands will list this benefit on the box anyway, but if you want to double-check, just look out for either one of these two desensitising ingredients: strontium chloride or potassium nitrate.

Fluoride remains a key ingredient in combatting cavities

The most vital ingredient in toothpaste is fluoride, with evidence showing that this powerful agent works to strengthen teeth and prevent decay. However, controversy has recently risen around the topic of fluoride, with some expressing concerns that it can be harmful to your health. We’re here to debunk this myth right now: when taken in small doses, fluoride does not cause any harm. However, if you do choose to replace your toothpaste with a fluoride-free natural alternative, ensure you are consulting your dentist regularly to avoid complications with your oral hygiene.

Pro tip: Brush and spit, but don’t rinse – you’ll leave the fluoride to linger in your mouth and therefore have more time to work.

Children’s toothpaste was invented for a reason!

That being said, the concept of children’s toothpaste was not born out of a marketing gimmick: the dosage of fluoride is lower in these products, making them safer for your little one. Typically speaking, -.5-0.55mg/g of fluoride is safe for children, while 1-1.5mg/g for people aged six and older is the ideal amount.

If you’re still unsure which toothpaste will yield the greatest benefits for you, consult your dentist. Remember: daily routine cleaning using the right products plus regular dental check-ups will put you in good stead for strong, healthy teeth.

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Fairfield Central Shopping Centre, T29, 2-30 Lakeside Drive, Idalia, 4811

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