The Ultimate Guide to Oral Hygiene
Everyone knows that good oral hygiene will reduce your risk of tooth decay and mouth disease. However, what many people don’t realise is that oral health is closely linked to a number of other common diseases, including heart attacks, strokes, liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and many, many more. Maintaining a high level of oral health is possibly one of the most important steps towards keeping your entire body fit and healthy. Not sure exactly how to keep your mouth healthy? Read on for answers!
Brush and floss regularly!
As obvious as brushing and flossing sounds, around 33% of Americans don’t brush their teeth daily. Nothing is more important to dental health than removing leftover food, plaque, and bacteria from your mouth, before it has a chance to rot and cause cavities. You should try to brush your teeth after every meal or at least twice per day. Add flossing at least once and you will be on the right track towards achieving a healthy mouth.
Choose the right dental products:
Choosing the correct dental products to care for your mouth is extremely important. Take note of the following guidelines next time you go shopping:
Toothbrush – Choosing the right toothbrush will help you keep your mouth in the best condition possible. Go for one with soft bristles and a medium sized head to prevent tooth and gum damage. Invest in a new toothbrush every two to three months and replace it also after you have been sick.
Toothpaste – If possible, go for a natural toothpaste, as these tend to have less harmful added colours and flavours. Look for something that is effective at removing plaque and surface stains from your teeth.
Mouthwash – Rising with an antibacterial mouthwash once per day can dramatically reduce your risk of gingivitis (gum disease). It actively kills the bacteria located along the gum line and keeps your mouth cleaner and fresher.
Floss – Flossing is absolutely essential. You can use a number of different products to floss your teeth, including flossing picks, waxed floss or regular un-waxed floss.
Visiting the dentist regularly:
Again, this may sound obvious, but it is incredible how many people don’t include regular visits to the dentist in their oral hygiene routine. Most authorities recommend at least two visits to the dentist every year. The dentist will ensure that you have no cavities, can fix them if you do, polish your teeth to remove tartar build-ups and make your teeth shine like new!